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Cilantro Microgreens Seeds

Cilantro microgreens seeds develop into flavorful shoots that have the zesty, slightly citrusy taste of adult cilantro, only intensified. Ideal for gardening indoors, cilantro microgreens grow quickly given proper light in the form of grow lights or natural sunlight. They need misting to provide moisture from sowing to harvest. These microgreens are a powerhouse of nutrition. They provide vitamins, antioxidants, and a fresh flavor boost to salads and other foods.

Survival Garden Seeds offers cilantro microgreens seeds for those seeking to grow this popular herb in a more concentrated form. Our non-GMO seeds are chosen for their fast germination and robust flavor, ensuring a bountiful and aromatic harvest.

Growing Cilantro Microgreens Seeds at Home

  • Zesty, citrusy cilantro flavor
  • Ready for harvest in about 3 weeks
  • Rich in vitamins and antioxidants
  • Heirloom, non-GMO seeds


Microgreens cilantro plants are the tender young seedlings of the cilantro plant. They get harvested before developing into grown leaves. These tiny plants offer an intensely concentrated cilantro flavor, and, compared to mature cilantro, they also provide a more potent dose of nutrients in a small package. Growing micro cilantro is an efficient way to enjoy this herb's benefits all year round. A continuous supply of fresh baby herbs can enhance the flavor and nutritional value of meals.


Soak cilantro seeds for 8-12 hours prior to planting. You can also crush the seeds in your hand to improve germination rates. In a shallow tray filled with a sterile, seed-starting mix, sow the cilantro microgreens seeds. Evenly distribute the seeds on the surface. Press them gently into the medium, mist, and cover to retain moisture. Keep the moist seeds in a dark place for about a week to 10 days. Keep the soil consistently moist with regular misting. Once they grow an inch or two, move them to a spot under grow lights or near a window to allow them to develop some green color.


Cilantro microgreens can be harvested in two to three weeks from planting. They thrive with steady moisture and light. These factors contribute to lush growth, preventing legginess. Harvest your microgreens when they reach around 3 inches. Cut them above the soil line, and use fresh cilantro microgreens immediately for the best taste and most nutrients.

Give growing cilantro microgreens at home a go. It’s perfect for any time of the year. Especially during winter, when the growing season is off. Get that zesty taste of cilantro in a convenient and concentrated form.


How to Grow Microgreens

The general process of growing microgreens is fairly simple. The steps are as follows:

  1. Pre-soak seeds as specified on the packet
  2. Sprinkle seeds over a tray with a 1/2" to 1" layer of moist potting mix. Press into the soil to ensure good contact.
  3. Mist seeds with a spray bottle and cover to maintain moisture and block out light.
  4. Keep seeds covered for the blackout period. Setting the tray inside a cupboard works well. Check seeds during the blackout period and mist as needed to keep seeds moist.
  5. When the microgreens are a few inches tall or begin to live the cover, expose
    them to light, allowing the seedlings to develop and grow.
  6. When microgreens look ready, harvest with a pair of scissors and enjoy!

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