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Ready-Made Seed Banks for Growing Your Own Survival Food & Herbal Medicine

Ready-made Seed Banks for Growing Survival Food

If you’re planning to grow a survival garden in the coming year, our survival garden seed collections are a great place to start. These are our most popular items because they are a great value, and because we’ve put a lot of planning and thought into what goes in them so that you can grow a well-rounded garden to grow lots of survival food to feed your family. We've also got the Ultimate Medicinal collection focused solely on important medicinal herbs that will help you protect the health of everyone on your homestead.  

Our Biggest (and Best) Survival Seed Vaults

Home Garden Seed Collection: Our original collection of seeds contains 30 individual varieties to get you started. It comes in a zip bag that’s waterproof and easy to throw into your bugout bag.

Homesteader Collection: This set of 50 seeds is ideal for someone with a little bit more space and time to grow. This seed vault also comes in a zippable waterproof bag.

Farmer Seed Collection: Want to go all out? You’ll have so many choices with this 100-seed pack of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. It comes in a handy bucket, a great way to sort and organize your seeds.

Super Survival Bundle: Having a hard time choosing? Each of our main collections has different seed packets so if you buy all three, you’ll have 180 seed varieties in total, and this bundle makes that super easy! It includes the Home Garden 30 Pack, the Homesteader 50 Pack, and the Farmers 100 Pack garden collections for 180 unique varieties of vegetables, herbs, flowers, and cover crops to grow! 

Ultimate Medicinal Herb CollectionThis collection is designed for next-level survivalists. This collection contains 36 beneficial plants that are useful for creating home remedies of all sorts. You can brew your own medicinal teas, create healing salves and ointments, distill essential oils, and more with these must-have essential herbs for the homestead.

Choosing the Seeds for Our Garden Kits

A Well-Rounded Survival Garden

Preserved food

Each collection was planned with the goals of survival gardening in mind. Too many survival seed kits on the market are filled with a lot of seeds, but not a lot of variety. We think that growing your own garden should give you more options, not fewer.

Survival gardening is about making sure there’s enough food to eat, even when times get hard. That’s why there’s a wide variety of different types of vegetables that provide a lot of healthy nutrition and flavor. There are vegetables that are good to eat fresh, to can or preserve, or to dry and save as long-term food storage.

We've also chosen powerful healing herbs for the Medicinal Herb Collection. We tried to find difficult-to-find seeds that have a reputation for health benefits, consulting herbalists to make sure we're carrying items that they would love to have in their apothecary. Always consult a health care provider to make sure you'll be using these potent traditional remedies safely.  

Time Tested Heirloom Seeds

The varieties in our collections have all stood the test of time. They taste great and are reliable producers. Like all of our seeds, they are heirloom, non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties that are guaranteed to grow. Your grandparents or great-grandparents may have grown many of these plants in their own home gardens. If we sell it, it’s very likely someone on our team has grown it or has someone they know who grows it.

Extending the Growing Season

Another consideration for our garden collections is choosing plants with varied growing seasons. With these seed vaults, you’ll have something fresh growing in the garden for as long as possible. We’ve got summer vegetables as well as cool-season crops. We’ve even included some perennials that will come back year after year.

Why We Include Flowers in the Vegetable Garden Kits


Sometimes we get feedback that these are unnecessary and that people throw them out. Please don’t do that! The flowers we’ve included have so many uses. Many of them are great companion plants that can improve your garden's productivity when planted together with the right vegetables. We’ve also chosen flowers that have culinary and medicinal uses. Flowers are colorful and fragrant, which will attract beneficial pollinators like bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies that will help your vegetables to fruit.

Don’t discount the importance of simply growing something pretty, too. Garden flowers have been shown to provide numerous psychological and health benefits for humans. Morale is important to consider when you’re growing for an emergency situation.

Widespread Adaptability

The seeds in our survival vaults can be grown in many types of growing conditions and climates all across the United States. You’ll need to take your own climate into account for successful growing, of course, but the seeds in our vaults are chosen for their adaptability and resilience. If you save seeds from your own stock for next year, you’ll be able to select the most productive plants for your particular growing conditions.

180 Unique Seed Varieties

180 heirloom seed varieties

This is one of our favorite accomplishments. Originally, our seed catalog wasn’t quite robust enough and we had some duplication in our three main collections. But over time, we’ve done a lot of work to make sure we’ve got plenty of variety and stock. Today, there’s no overlap in our three main vegetable seed collections, and we will keep it that way.

Planning for the Future

Getting these collections right has been a learning process, and sometimes we still have to make adjustments. If a situation arises where we need to swap out a seed variety for some reason, we’ve got a plan in place to adapt and quickly make adjustments while keeping the right information on our website for you. We also do ongoing testing to make sure all of our seeds have excellent germination rates and will perform reliably. If any seed fails, we pull it from our stores and from our collections so that you get the best seeds possible.

If you’re looking to plant a survival garden this year, our survival seed kit collections are a great jump start. Each collection is well-rounded and varied, with lots of long-term food storage potential. They’re an excellent value, providing an abundance of beneficial and healthy plant varieties for growing in your survival garden. We hope that all the work we’ve put into planning these garden kits will be great for providing better health and nutrition for you, your family, and maybe even your wider community, in the months to come.

Grow your own survival food with heirloom seed banks