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Mugwort Seeds

Mugwort seeds mature into tall, herbaceous perennials. These plants have silvery-green foliage with tiny flowers. Mugwort is so easy to grow that it can be invasive, so take care to keep this plant contained in its own plot and maintain it carefully. This is a hardy plant that enjoys direct to partial sunlight and well-drained soil. A beneficial medicinal herb, it has aromatic leaves and roots that are used for making mugwort tea and different tinctures.
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Survival Garden Seeds provides mugwort seeds, perfect for gardeners interested in traditional herbal remedies. Our non-GMO seeds are selected for their germination rates and productivity. It’s a robust addition to your herbal garden.

Growing Mugwort Seeds in Your Garden

  • Aromatic and beautiful
  • Valuable medicinal herb
  • Hardy and resilient plant
  • Heirloom, non-GMO seeds


Mugwort, or Artemisia vulgaris, has a rich history in folklore and traditional medicine, especially for aiding in digestion. The plant has a strong earthy aroma. It can grow quite tall, making it a striking garden border or an ornament in naturalized areas. Native to Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa, today, mugwort is adapted to many climates. It grows well in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 9.


Direct sow mugwort seeds in late fall or early spring or start indoors 3-4 weeks early. Cold stratify these plants for 2-4 weeks to improve germination. These seeds require light to germinate, so simply scatter them on the soil surface and press them in gently without covering. Mugwort seeds usually sprout in two weeks. Until they do, keep the soil moist. Because of its vigorous growth, choose a location where mugwort can be contained. If you wish to naturalize an empty area, this plant is an excellent choice.


Once established, mugwort is tolerant to drought and very easy to maintain. It thrives with minimal care. The main concern with mugwort is its tendency to become invasive. For this reason, regular pruning is necessary. Mugwort's leaves can be harvested all through the growing season. They can be used fresh or dried.

Growing mugwort connects you to a plant with a long tradition of medicinal use. Its striking appearance and aromatic properties make it a fascinating herb to grow.