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Popcorn Seeds

Popcorn seeds aren’t just for eating; they also germinate into a maize plant that allows you to grow even more popcorn! When heated, the seeds pop open, revealing a fluffy, tasty snack. This variety of corn is grown specifically for the popping kernels. It thrives in full sun, requesting well-drained soil. Popcorn needs consistent moisture to develop its distinctive ears. These plants are grown as annuals. They reach heights surpassing six feet, depending on the variety.
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Survival Garden Seeds offers quality popcorn seeds for planting, known for their excellent popping and robust flavors. Our non-GMO seeds are selected for their high germination and ability to produce bountiful crops.

Growing Popcorn Seeds in Your Garden

  • Delicious, poppable kernels
  • Full sun-loving plants
  • Non-GMO, heirloom seeds
  • Ideal for home gardeners


Popcorn is distinguished from other corn varieties by its hard outer shell. It also has a dense, starchy interior which allows it to pop when heated. Cultivated by many Native American tribes for thousands of years, this crop has spread everywhere and is a favored snack worldwide. Popcorn grows well in USDA hardiness zones 4 to 13 and needs a warm growing season and loads of sun to mature fully.


Sow popcorn plant seeds directly in the garden spot. Wait until the danger of frost has passed and the soil is warmed up, usually in late spring. Plant seeds 1 inch deep, spacing them apart 9 to 12 inches. Distance in rows should be 2 to 3 feet. Popcorn requires similar conditions as sweet corn. If you are planting both varieties, plant them separately as they are wind-pollinated. Cross-pollination may happen, which affects the quality of the kernels.


Popcorn plants need consistent watering, especially during germination and the kernels’ development. They are heavy feeders, so keep in mind to provide fertile soil, adding matured manure or compost when planting. Like other varieties of corn, popcorn is susceptible to pests (corn earworm). Diseases such as smut can occur as well, so regular monitoring is important. Harvest the ears after the husks have dried and the kernels have hardened. This is typically in late summer or early fall.

Prepare a snack harvested from your backyard! Get Survival Garden Seeds' popcorn seeds, and start growing this ancient crop. It will be a rewarding undertaking, as you pop the seeds and enjoy their tasty flavor.