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Heirloom Tomato Seeds

Tomato seeds, from the versatile, beloved tomato plant, are one of the basic vegetables grown at home worldwide. Scientifically called Solanum lycopersicum, there are a great number of tomatoes that produce a wide variety of rich, juicy fruits useful for countless culinary dishes from salads to stews to sauces. These plants are ideal for hot summers, enjoying direct sunlight and well-drained, fertile soil to encompass their large root system so they can produce high yields.

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Survival Garden Seeds is excited to offer high-quality tomato seeds for sale, ideal for gardening enthusiasts eager to grow their own tomatoes. They are specially selected for their robust germination rates and strong growth. Make sure to take a look at all the heirloom tomato seeds varieties offered on our products page.

Growing Tomato Seeds in Your Garden

  • Delicious homegrown flavor
  • Essential for culinary use
  • Annual, non-GMO seeds
  • Many varieties available


The tomato species come originally from Mexico, western South America, and Central America. Tomato seeds grow into a vegetable garden staple rich in vitamins A and C. They are healthy vegetables, whether eaten fresh as a snack or incorporated into cooked meals. These plants grow anywhere from 1 to 6 feet in height. Depending on the variety, they may require staking or caging to support potentially heavy fruits. Tomatoes grow well in USDA hardiness zones 5 to 13.


Sow tomato seeds indoors, around six to eight weeks before the final frost. Use small pots, filled with a sterile seed starting mix. Lightly cover the seeds with soil. Consistently keep the soil moist, in warm conditions. This will encourage germination, which happens in 5 to 10 days. Allow the seedlings the develop and pot them up, burying deeply to allow roots to fully develop before hardening them off. Make sure the danger of frost has passed before transplanting as tomatoes are intolerant to cold. Space seedlings about 2 feet apart for determinate varieties, and 3 feet apart for indeterminate varieties.


Tomato plants will require regular care to thrive. They need at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily, with frequent watering. Amending the soil with organic manure or compost before transplanting will help the growth of juicy fruits immensely. These plants are heavy feeders, so this practice can also be done several times during the season, to ensure continuous growth and fruiting. As the plants grow, support them with stakes or cages as needed. This will also help with prevention from pests and diseases. Removing suckers from indeterminate varieties is a good practice to manage the plant’s energy and improve air circulation.

Growing tomatoes will promote you to a stellar gardener. This is a wonderful plant, offering delicious, useful fruits and requiring special care and love. Given the many, many varieties available, you can grow an abundance of different sizes, colors, tastes, and shapes at home and enjoy the unmatched flavor of freshly harvested, homegrown tomatoes.