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Lettuce Seeds

Lettuce seeds represent the backbone of the salad garden, offering a diverse palette of flavors, textures, and colors. This cool-weather crop prefers full to partial sunlight. Lettuce thrives in rich, well-drained soil - making it an ideal choice for early spring and fall planting. It is grown as an annual plant. Gardeners can harvest fresh, crisp leaves straight from their backyard.

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Survival Garden Seeds offers an extensive collection of lettuce seeds for sale, tailored to meet the desires of every salad lover! Our range includes options for continuous harvesting and suitability for many climates. Varieties include romaine lettuce seeds, loose leaf lettuce seeds, iceberg lettuce seeds, and lettuce microgreen seeds.

Growing Lettuce Seeds in Your Vegetable Garden

  • Many varieties for diverse tastes, textures, and colors
  • Edible from microgreen stage to full head
  • Heirloom, non-GMO seeds
  • Suitable for containers and small spaces


Lettuce's origins date back to ancient Egypt. This leafy green has been a fundamental part of diets across the world for millennia. Known for its rapid growth and easy adaptability, lettuce can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 2 to 11. Planting lettuce seeds timing depends on the local climate and variety.


For a successful lettuce crop, start as soon as the soil can be worked in spring, or late in summer if you are growing for fall. Plant seeds directly in the garden or containers. Lettuce seeds require a shallow sowing depth - only about 1/8 inch and should be spaced according to the variety's size. Succession planting every two weeks is advised for a continuous supply. Lettuce is known to perform well in cooler temperatures, becoming bitter or bolting if it becomes heat-stressed. It can be grown under shade cloth or in partial shade during warmer months. It also thrives in indoor and hydroponic systems if you live in an area that is too hot for lettuce to grow outdoors during the summer months.


Once established, lettuce plants need consistent moisture. This helps maintain tender, flavorful leaves. Mulching is a great way to retain soil moisture and keep your plant roots cool. Be cautious with fertilizing, as it can lead to less flavorful leaves. For many varieties, harvesting outer leaves regularly encourages continuous production. You can harvest head and Romaine lettuce varieties whole when they reach the desired size.

Survival Garden Seeds wants to see you succeed in your gardening efforts, which is why we provide instructions on how to grow and harvest lettuce seeds on the pack. Save your seeds for future growing seasons and enjoy lettuce anytime you like. Gardeners have a chance to enjoy the satisfaction of growing a wide array of lettuce types, each with its own character and flavor. Lettuce is an easy crop to grow, even for beginners, and provides a rewarding gardening experience for novice gardeners and experienced growers alike.