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Hairy Vetch Seeds

Hairy Vetch seeds develop into a fast-growing, sprawling cover crop for your garden. This legume will enrich the soil with nitrogen when chopped down as a green manure for sustainable gardening. This plant grows well in full sun to partial shade and prefers well-drained soil. It can, however, adapt well to other soil types. Vetch has small flowers with great potential to attract beneficial insects and pollinators and enhance your garden's biodiversity.
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Survival Garden Seeds provides hairy vetch seeds, suitable for gardeners looking to improve soil fertility naturally and support ecosystem health. Our non-GMO seeds are chosen for their robust growth and nitrogen-fixing capabilities, ensuring an effective and environmentally friendly ground cover.

Growing Vetch Seeds in Your Garden

  • Weed suppression
  • Nitrogen-fixing legume
  • Supports pollinators and beneficial insects
  • Heirloom, non-GMO seeds


Hairy vetch belongs to the genus Vicia. It is valued for its role in crop rotation and soil improvement. As a legume, it fixes nitrogen in the soil. By doing this, vetch reduces the need for additional fertilizers, allowing healthier plant growth of upcoming crops. Vetch’s dense foliage helps with weed suppression. Its roots will prevent soil erosion. While primarily used for practical purposes, the plant’s flowers add beauty to the landscape. It is adaptable to many climates, and suitable for growing in USDA hardiness zones 4 to 10.


Sow vetch seeds in late summer or early fall or whenever you want to establish a cover crop that will enrich the soil for the next planting season. Plant the seeds 1/2 inch deep, and ensure good soil contact. Vetch seed will germinate within a week or two, sometimes faster. Vetch can also be sown in spring as a green manure crop. It grows quickly, sometimes reaching several feet in length.


Once established, the hairy vetch plant needs little maintenance. It grows best with regular moisture, especially when dry periods occur. Water supports the rapid growth and nitrogen-fixing process. As a cover crop, vetch is usually cut down and can be either tilled into the soil or left to decompose on top in the “chop and drop” method. This should be done before it sets seed to prevent the crop from going to seed and expending that stored nitrogen into seed production. The green manure enriches the soil with organic matter and nutrients.

Planting vetch can significantly increase the quality of the soil by suppressing weeds and keeping the soil covered. This characteristic, along with visual beauty, makes it a perfect crop for any plot of garden that would otherwise remain bare and be overcome by weeds. Hairy vetch grows quickly and has a stunning appearance that makes it a delightful cover crop for your garden.