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Sweet Pea Seeds

Sweet pea seeds blossom into charming flowers that are renowned for their delicate beauty and sweet, alluring scent. These climbing plants love cool to moderate climates and prefer fertile, well-drained soil. Sweet peas attract pollinators to the garden and are typically grown as an annual plant. They produce long vines with tendrils that produce adorable blooms. Planting sweet pea seeds in your garden will add a touch of beauty and fragrance to your outdoor space during the growing season.

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Survival Garden Seeds offers a selection of high-quality sweet pea seeds for sale, perfect for creating a visually stunning and aromatic display. Our seeds are chosen for their excellent ability to produce abundant, fragrant flowers.

Safety Warning: Sweet pea is toxic to humans and animals. Do not allow your pets or children to consume any part of the plant.

Growing Sweet Pea Seeds in Your Garden

  • Delicate, fragrant flowers
  • Attracts pollinators
  • Non-GMO, heirloom seeds
  • Ideal for trellises or fences


With their captivating fragrance, sweet peas have been a favorite flower for gardens since the 17th century. They are native to the Mediterranean region and have been cultivated and hybridized to produce varieties with enhanced scent and colors. Suitable for growing in USDA hardiness zones 2 to 11, they adore cooler weather. They will bloom profusely from spring to early summer, sometimes longer.


Start sweet pea seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost. You can sow them directly in the garden as well, in early spring or fall. Nick the seed coat to encourage germination. Alternatively, you can soak them overnight before planting. Sow them 1 inch deep, spacing as indicated on your packet for your chosen variety. These vining plants can benefit from support like a trellis or stakes to climb. Germination usually starts in 10 to 21 days, depending on soil temperature.


Sweet peas require regular watering, especially during dry periods. Provide them with a trellis or some sort of netting as the vines need support to climb. The extra airflow also encourages healthy growth and prolific blooming. Removing dry flowers will prolong the blooming period of sweet peas.

Survival Garden Seeds' sweet pea seeds come in different mixes and varieties. Try them all, and ensure a wonderful scent with many beneficial insects in your garden. Make this season your best one yet with a gorgeous flower plant.