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Cress Microgreens Seeds

Cress microgreens seeds are rich in vitamins A, C, and K. They have a peppery taste and grow rapidly into greens full of antioxidants. With a sharp flavor reminiscent of radishes, these small plants are ideal for gardening indoors. They require light after they sprout, and moisture throughout their cultivation. Cress microgreens are a potent addition to salads and other foods, as well as flavorful garnishes.
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Survival Garden Seeds offers curled cress microgreens seeds for those looking to spice up their meals. Add a vibrant, healthful kick to your meals with our non-GMO seeds. They’re selected for their rapid growth and intense flavor, ensuring a quick and delicious harvest.

Growing Cress Microgreens Seeds at Home

  • Peppery, zesty flavor
  • Rich in vitamins and antioxidants
  • Heirloom, non-GMO seeds
  • Ideal for gardening indoors


Cress microgreens, or micro cress, are the young seedling shoots of the cress plant. They are ready for consumption just after the first true leaves grow. These microgreens have the nutritional benefits of a mature cress but in a more concentrated form. As they provide a significant nutritional boost, they are great for those on the run. Growing cress microgreens is an efficient way to enhance your diet. With a burst of sharp flavor, they go great with anything.


Spread cress microgreen seeds thickly over 1/2-1 inch of moist potting mix. Use a well-draining shallow container, about 5 inches by 5 inches in size. Press seeds in firmly. Mist them with water, covering the container to retain moisture and block out light. Set inside a completely dark space, and keep covered and in darkness for 4-5 days. Mist as needed to retain moisture. When there are a few inches of growth, or when microgreens begin to lift the cover, expose them to direct light. Harvest the shoots with scissors in 8-12 days.


Cress microgreens will grow extremely quickly. It’s important to keep misting them to retain soil moisture from planting to harvesting. Lighting is also crucial, as it will provide strong growth. Bad lighting can lead to the shoots becoming leggy. Start with cress microgreens harvest when they are 2 to 3 inches, cutting them just above the soil line. Consume them immediately to take advantage of the nutrient count, and for best flavor and texture.

The cultivation of cress microgreens is easy. Anyone can enjoy their fresh taste after a short time. Be it in a house or a small apartment, you will have these spicy greens ready in no time!