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Clover Seeds

Clover seeds are an exceptional choice for gardeners and landscapers who wish to add greenery and vitality to their outdoor spaces–including their lawns! They enrich the soil by fixing nitrogen from the air, which makes them beneficial for nearby plants. Clover seeds are also remarkably adaptable. They thrive in various climates and soil types—from rich and fertile to less nutrient-dense.

Learn More: Find out more about the benefits of planting clover seeds in your lawn and garden in our Survival Garden Training Blog

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Survival Garden Seeds offers clover seeds for sale in two varieties. They include the famous Dutch White clover seed and the ornamental Crimson. Each variety is accompanied by detailed instructions to guarantee successful germination and growth.

Growing Clover Seeds in Your Garden

  • Dutch White or Crimson Clover
  • Ideal for eco-friendly lawns and ground cover
  • Enhances soil health by fixing nitrogen
  • Aids with soil erosion issues


Growing clover has many benefits for your garden. They are valued for improving soil health, by fixing atmospheric nitrogen. This happens through symbiosis with microorganisms living along their root system. Clovers also have an appealing appearance with lush green foliage and cute blooms that draw in pollinators. Clovers can adapt to a broad range of environmental conditions, suited for USDA hardiness zones 3 through 10. They are used as silage and forage in agriculture, providing a delicious treat to many animals.


Select either early spring or fall for planting clover seeds. This is when the soil is moist but not waterlogged. Clover seeds need light to germinate, so they should be sown on the soil surface. Preparing the area can be done by lightly raking it to create a fine seedbed. Then, broadcast the seeds evenly and press them into the soil. Water the seeded area gently. Germination typically comes within 7 to 14 days.


Once clover is established, it needs minimal care. These plants are relatively tolerant to drought, although they may bloom less during hot periods. Occasional watering during extended dry periods keeps them vigorous. Clover seeds for lawn purposes can be mowed when they fully develop. This maintains a uniform appearance. They rarely need fertilization, as they provide it to themselves.

Incorporating clovers into your garden contributes to a healthier garden ecosystem. With our varieties of clover seeds, you can embark on a gardening journey–one that brings aesthetic beauty and ecological benefits to your outdoors.