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7 Tips to Extend the Life of Your Carved Pumpkin

7 Tips to Extend the Life of Your Carved Pumpkin

It’s pumpkin carving season! Don’t let your carved vegetable masterpiece wither and rot before Halloween even arrives. Here are some tips to help your carved pumpkin look great and last longer.

1. Buy Local

Pumpkin seeds for planting

Buy the freshest local pumpkins that you can find. Pick your own, or even better, grow them yourself. Look for a pumpkin with firm flesh without scratches, gouges, or dents. Make sure the pumpkin still has the stem attached, as this will also help it last longer.

2. Thoroughly Remove the “Guts”

Remove the top of your pumpkin (keep that stem on!) and scoop out the fibrous “guts” and seeds from inside the pumpkin. Take your time and make sure you have thoroughly removed everything to prevent excess moisture. The cleaner and drier the inside of the pumpkin is the slower the rotting process. Save the seeds for roasting because they are delicious and nutritious!

3. Sterilize Your Pumpkin

Removing pumpkin seeds

Before you start carving, you need to sterilize your pumpkin both inside and out and allow it to thoroughly dry. This will prevent bacterial growth.

Mix a solution of bleach and water (1 part bleach to 10 parts water) spray the pumpkin inside and out and then allow it to dry. Alternatively, you can use white or cider vinegar or Peppermint Castile Soap and water in the same ratio. Peppermint is a natural antifungal and will slow the decomposition process.

4. Carve & Soak Your Pumpkin

Now you can carve your pumpkin any way you like. Once your masterpiece is complete, give it a good soak in a bucket with a bleach water solution (1/3 cup of bleach to 1 quart of water). Soak for several hours. This will help penetrate the cut flesh and help to kill any bacteria. Of course, this makes the pumpkin inedible, so if you like to feed leftover pumpkins to livestock or wildlife, skip this step.

5. Moisturize Your Pumpkin

Pumpkin carving

Once the skin is pierced on the pumpkin, bacteria, and fungus can get in and the flesh will start to dry out. One way to prevent this is to provide a barrier. Rub all the cut edges with petroleum jelly or olive oil to help retain moisture.

6. Do Not Use Candles

While candles may be the traditional way of illuminating pumpkins, the heat will speed up the decay of your jack-o’lantern. In addition, if you use petroleum jelly on the cut surfaces, it is flammable so candles can be dangerous. There are many battery-operated options available that will safely light up your pumpkin helping it to last longer.

7. Keep in a Cool Place

Display your pumpkins in a shaded, cool place. If you have the refrigerator space, you can even bring them inside during the day and store in the fridge in a plastic bag. You can also spray the pumpkin with the lighting removed, inside and out with the bleach solution to further retard bacterial and mold growth.

The keys to extending the life of your carved pumpkin are preventing bacterial and mold growth and keeping it moist. With the steps outlined above, your carved work of art should last until Halloween and after.

Don’t Forget The Seeds

Remember those tasty and nutritious pumpkin seeds I mentioned earlier? They are full of fiber and minerals like magnesium and zinc. Prepare a delicious treat for your family by roasting them. You can make them sweet or savory and it is very easy to do.

Baking pumpkins like Sugar pumpkins, Fairytale, or Blue Jarrahdale tend to have better seeds for roasting than your typical carving pumpkin which may have more fibrous seeds. You can skip roasting altogether if you have Lady Godiva pumpkins because their seeds do not have a fibrous outer shell. Just toss them with some of your favorite spices and your snack is ready!.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

  • Remove as much of the fibrous connective tissue from the seeds as possible and then rinse them thoroughly in a colander.
  • Add seeds to well-salted boiling water and simmer for about 5 minutes. This should help loosen any remaining tissue, help further clear the seeds and season them.
  • Spread the seeds on towels to dry. The drier the seeds the better they will roast.
  • Cover a baking tray with parchment and mound the seeds on the tray. Drizzle with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil. You can also use butter, honey, or maple syrup if you want a sweeter snack. Toss well to coat.
  • Spread seeds in a single layer and bake at 350°F for 10 to 25 minutes until the seeds are golden brown around the edges. You may want to stir seeds a couple of times during baking to make sure they are roasted evenly.
  • As soon as you take the seeds out of the oven, sprinkle on a couple of tablespoons of your favorite spices like pumpkin spice blend, curry powder, chili powder, or harissa.
  • Cooled pumpkin seeds will keep well in a bag or jar at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.


Roasted Pumpkin Seeds