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Starting Tomato Seeds Indoors

Starting Tomato Seeds Indoors

Have you ever started your tomatoes from seed? A lot of people think it’s hard and rely on buying plants from a nursery, but it’s easy and will save you a lot of money to grow from seed. Starting from seed also allows you to give your plants the best start in life. Angee will show you what you need to know in this video.

Here’s a quick rundown of what is covered in the video:

  1. Start with quality seed starting soil, moistening it to get a good crumbly texture.
  2. Fill the your seed starting tray or containers with soil all the way to the top. Don’t pack the soil too tightly.
  3. Plant tomato seeds ¼” deep. 2-3 seeds per hole is a good guideline.
  4. Water the soil. A mixture of bottom watering and misting with a spray bottle will allow you to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and prevent your seeds from being dislodged.
  5. Tomatoes like it hot, a heat pad placed underneath will keep the soil warm - at least 70°F at night until germination (usually 5-10 days). After germination, remove the heat pad.
  6. Provide plenty of light for growing.
  7. Label your seeds so you remember what you’re growing.

See our post on hardening off plants for transplanting to the garden when you’re ready for the next stage.

You may have noticed that we’ve started publishing videos on YouTube! Angee, one of the enthusiastic gardeners on the Survival Garden Seeds team, has been working hard to get the information together that you’ve been asking for. We’ve also got some quick shorts that are full of great content in a quick soundbite of time.

We’d love it if you subscribed to the channel for more content! We’ll walk you through all sorts of gardening tips and tricks. We’ve also got some survival content planned, too. If you’re looking for something in particular, let us know! We are always happy to hear what you’re interested in, so that we can help you succeed in planting your own survival garden.

Tomato plants