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Your source for open-pollinated, non-GMO, heirloom seeds. GET ANSWERS TO FAQ

Herb Seeds

Growing your own herbs from seed offers a multitude of benefits and is a rewarding experience for both novice and experienced gardeners. All of our herb seeds are open-pollinated, heirloom varieties that have not been treated with chemicals or pesticides. We independently test the germination rate of all of our seeds to ensure your best chances of success.

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Popular culinary herb seeds like basil, cilantro, oregano, parsley, and thyme are easy to grow and can thrive in pots on a sunny windowsill or in a dedicated herb garden outdoors. Freshly harvested herbs boast superior flavor and aroma compared to their store-bought counterparts. 

Beyond culinary uses, cultivating medicinal herb seeds like chamomile, lavender, peppermint, and echinacea can provide you with a natural home remedy cabinet. These herbs have been traditionally used to alleviate a variety of ailments, and while they should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, they can offer a natural approach to promoting wellness. Starting these herbs from seed allows you to ensure their quality and provides the satisfaction of cultivating your own natural remedies.