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10 Essential Herbs for a Thriving Indoor Herb Garden

10 Essential Herbs for a Thriving Indoor Herb Garden

indoor herbsStarting an indoor herb garden can be a rewarding and delicious venture! For city dwellers or those without a yard, growing herbs indoors can save you money and provide you with an abundance of flavors to add to your culinary creations. An indoor herb garden is also a great supplement to the outdoor garden, allowing you to maximize your growing space.

Before you start, you’ll need some basic supplies on hand: pots or containers with good drainage, quality potting soil, and a grow light. A sunny, south-facing windowsill might be enough to grow a few of these herbs in the summer. However, most of these indoor herbs will require supplemental light to provide them with the 6-8 hours of full light they require, especially during winter months or in darker spaces.

These herbs all thrive in the same temperature range that humans do, so you won’t have to make big adjustments to your thermostat. Keep the temperature between 60-85° to keep these herbs happy.


Basil: There are so many varieties of basil to choose from with different flavor profiles and culinary and medicinal uses. Luckily, they’re all relatively easy to grow both indoors and out. Basil enjoys a full 6-8 hours of light daily and needs watering at the base when the top of the soil feels dry. It grows quickly, making it a consistent provider of fresh leaves. If unsure about which basil to grow, try these 5 tasty varieties in our Basil Seed Collection.

Chives: This is one of the best money-savers out there. Chives only require 4-6 hours of light a day, which makes it ideal for your indoor herb garden. It’s also super easy to grow, even for beginners.  Water when the top inch of soil becomes dry. Chives are perennial, providing a continuous supply of fresh herbs with proper care. NOTE: Chives are not safe for cats or dogs.

Parsley: A garden essential, parsley needs 4-6 hours of light each day. It needs watering when the soil feels dry. Parsley seeds may take up to three weeks to germinate, but patience pays off! Once established, the plant is easy to maintain and is much more affordable to grow from seed than buying a plant. Our Parsley Collection has varieties for you to enjoy. 

Oregano: Vibrant and flavorful oregano is a fantastic choice for your indoor garden. It needs a full 6-8 hours of light to thrive. Oregano is also drought-tolerant, needing watering only when the soil is dry, so it’s good for those of us who forget to water sometimes. One plant usually provides ample flavoring due to its wide growth, so grow it in a larger pot. 


Cilantro: Cilantro is actually prone to bolting very quickly in hot weather, but it does very well inside. It needs at least 4-6 hours of light daily and consistently moist soil. As it grows quickly, it’s a good choice for succession planting. Cut it as needed to add to your tacos, salsa, and curries!

 Sage: Year-round access to sage is a delight, plus it is a beautiful plant for your indoor herb garden. Sage needs a full 6-8 hours of light a day, but it prefers temperatures that mimic a Mediterranean climate, which means the temperatures inside. This low-maintenance perennial can live for several years with proper care. Sage prefers less frequent watering with drier soil. Sage is another variety that’s not safe for pets.

Rosemary:  An aromatic herb, rosemary adds a pleasant scent to your home. It requires full light each day and watering when the topsoil is dry. Its steady growth will lead to a large plant over time, but this can easily be managed by periodic trimming or harvesting. 


Thyme: An easy-to-grow Mediterranean herb, thyme loves to have a full 6-8 hours of light daily. Only water when the top layer of soil is dry. Thyme’s low growth makes it ideal for smaller pots and containers. Prune it regularly to prevent legginess and encourage bushy growth. 

Marjoram: The compact, bushy growth of marjoram means it doesn’t take up a lot of space, especially if you harvest it frequently. This delightful Mediterranean herb thrives indoors as long as you provide it with a full 6-8 hours of light daily. Only water marjoram when the top layer of soil feels dry. Its trailing growth makes it suitable for hanging baskets.


Mint: Since mint is often grown in containers to prevent it from taking over the garden, why not bring it indoors? It can handle as little as 4-6 hours of light and needs consistently moist soil. Plus, one plant can provide a lot of leaves! Check out our Mint Collection and enjoy 4 different mint varieties in your indoor herb garden. 

Looking to try hydroponic herb gardening? The herbs in our hydroponic kit are our favorites for hydroponic systems. Just ensure the system is well-lit, properly aerated, and maintains an optimal nutrient solution. 

Congratulations on starting your indoor herb garden! This process is about learning and adapting to the needs of your plants. With care and attention, you'll soon enjoy the taste and satisfaction of your own homegrown herbs, adding a new layer of freshness to your meals. 

Have a look at these herb kits to get started: 



Culinary Herb Collection

A collection of culinary herbs to grow indoors or outdoors, perfect for small spaces and containers. 

Italian Herb Collection

Italian Herb Collection

These Mediterranean herbs tend to like temperatures that are the same as a typical indoor comfort zone. Just give them plenty of light and follow their growing requirements!